The Hadith: “My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory works (nawafil) until I love him. When I love him, I become his hearing and his sight.” The nawafil, according to the people of the path, signify the annihilation of the servant in the witnessing of himself through the witnessing of his Lord, Almighty and Majestic. As for certainty (yaqeen), it is derived from the term for water settling in a basin when it becomes still, indicating the attainment of tranquility, stability, and peace of mind with the removal of doubt, suspicion, and uncertainty. Shaykh al Akbar Muhyiddin ibn Arabi radiAllahu anhu said: “This tranquility, stability, and peace of mind, when attributed to the intellect and the self, is called the knowledge of certainty (ilm al-yaqeen). When attributed to the spiritual soul, it is called the eye of certainty (ayn al-yaqeen). When attributed to the true heart, it is called the truth of certainty (haqq al-yaqeen). And when attributed to the existential secret, it is called the reality of the truth of certainty (haqiqatu haqq al-yaqeen). These ranks all come together only in the complete (perfect) man.”
-Al Qutb Imam Abd al Wahab al Sharani radiAllahu anhu, Al-Tabaqat Al-Kubra

1 Comment

  • Muhammad Ali
    Posted 27 July 2024 04:40 2Likes

    SubhanAllah beautiful

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