Saif ul Malook
Saif al Malook is one of the best and well know poems written by the Sufi Saint Mian Muhammad Baksh radiAllahu anhu, who rests in Karri Sharif, Azad Kashmir. Mian Muhammad Baksh radiAllahu anhu was such a poet, that he has been gifted the title of ‘Rumi-e-Kashmir’ meaning, the Imam Jalal ud Din Rumi of Kashmir.
Whilst the poem itself is very long, below you will find selected verses together with the English translation.
اوّل حمد ثناء الٰہی جو مالک ہر ہر دا
اس دا نام چتارن والا ہر میدان نہ ہردا
First (is the) Praise of Allah, the Owner of all creation,
The one who takes His Name, never fails in any field.
رحمت دا مینہ پا خدایا باغ سُکا کر ہریا
بوٹا آس اُمید میری دا کردے میوہ بھریا
Bestow upon us rain of Mercy, O Lord! Make the barren land lush,
Bring forth fruit upon the tree of my hopes (in You).
واہ کریم اُمت دا والی مہر شفاعت کردا
جبرائیل جہیے جس چاکر نبیاں دا سر کردہ
Ah! What a Generous Guardian ﷺ of the Muslims, the One who intercedes,
The likes of Angel Jibraeel (alayhis salaam) are His ﷺ servants, The Leader of all Prophets
اوہ محبوب حبیب ربانا حامی روز حشر دا
آپ یتیم یتیماں تائیں ہتھ سرے پر دھردا
He ﷺ is the Beloved of the Lord, the intercessor of the day of reckoning,
The most Unique One ﷺ, who is the hope of orphans.
جنِھاں عِشق خرِید نہ کِیتا، اینویں آ بھگُتّے
عِشقے باجھ مُحمّدبخشا ،کیا آدم کیا کُتّے
The one who has not loved, wasted their arrival (here),
In the absence of love O Muhammad Baksh, what are men (and) What are dogs?
عِشقوں باجھ اِیمان کویہا ،کہن اِیمان سلامت
مر کے جیون صِفت عِشق دی، دم دم روز قیامت
Without love faith is incomplete, it is said ‘May your faith remain protected’
To die and live in the attributes of my beloved, every breath becomes the doomsday.
جے لکھ زُہد عِبادت کرئیے، بِن عِشقوں کِس کاری
جاں جاں عِشق نہ ساڑے تینُوں، تاں تاں نِبھّے نہ یاری
Without love what use is a hundred thousand good deeds,
Until love does not (spiritually) burn you, (true) friendship is not complete.
جِنھاں درد عِشق دا ناہیں ،کد پھل پان دِیداروں
جے ربّ روگ عِشق دا لاوے، لوڑ نہیں کوئی داروں
The one has not tasted the pain of love, how is he able to witness its fruits?
If the Merciful Lord bestows us with the pain of love, then no medicine is needed.
یار کرے جد اپنا تینُوں ،چھُٹسن ہور اشنایاں
ماں پیؤ سجّن یاد نہ رہسن، حِرص نہ بھیناں بھائیاں
When the lover remembers his Beloved, all others are will leave (his thoughts),
Mother, Father and all friends will be forgotten, nor will there be longing for brothers and sisters.
ماں منی تاں رب منایا ، پہلا مرشد مائی
شکر خدا دا اجے توں راضی ، نالے پت رہ آئی
If your Mother is pleased, Allah is pleased for the first Guide is the mother,
All Thanks Allah, you are pleased, and the blessings remain.
جیون،جیون جھوٹا ناواں ، موت کھلی سر اتے
لکھ کروڑ تیرے تھیں سوہنے خاک اندر رل ستے
Living life in a illusion yet death is hoovering around,
Millions more beautiful than you, have fallen asleep in the (cradle) of the earth.
Thɑnk you a lot for shаring this with all folks you really recognise what you are speaking about!
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We may have a hyperlіnk alternate contract between սs
SubhanaAllah ♥️
Mohammed Ramzan
Ma sha Allah.😘😘
MashaAllah SubhanAllah